Welcome to the Volunteer Team Information Page!

As the Festival approaches, this is where we will be adding all the documents, rotas and information that you will need as a volunteer.

UPDATED: 7th November at 6pm

This is the major and more or less final update. There are a suite of new final rota documents. Please note these are finalised documents and there will be no further published updates. Any specific changes that happen from now on will be discussed and agreed with you personally. Documents can be found here:

THE FINAL MASTER ROTA (Version 3) IS READY! This can be found HERE.

The Thursday rota can be found HERE. This covers all shifts and venues for the Thursday.

Finally, the Brewery Arts Centre specific rotas can be found below. These map out in more detail what you will be doing at the multi-auditorium Brewery venue. This should in theory line up with your master rota (fingers crossed!). Please note these may change for some people beteen now and the festival (but we will let you know directly if so). Please also be prepared for a degree of fluidity on the day - but that is all part of the fun! These are all google drive links:




We have done all we can allocate you to specific sessions/interests that you have requested at this venue using the previous online forms, but this is not always possible as of course many of you do request the same sessions! We have tried to balance out requests as best we can. Hopefully plenty of variety in there for you all.

Concerns or issues with these final documents: If these documents have not factored in any of your specific requests or changes up to now then firstly - apologies, these have been a very complicated and fluid set of documents and no doubt there will be niggles in there.

  • If the concern is something that is relatively minor and can be talked through when you come to register then please just raise it when we see you. We are used to some last minute juggling and most things can probably be sorted out when you register.
  • If it is a major issue (e.g. you can no longer volunteer) please email us on kendalmountainvolunteers@gmail.com. Please be aware things get very hectic from now so please bear with us.
  • The Facebook group is also an excellent place to ask questions and there are more people on there to answer them too!

Where to register: Hopefully all your outstanding queries can be answered when you register (where you also collect your gilets/lanyards etc). This happens in the volunteer room which is upstairs in the Brewery (opposite the Studio). If you can please register between 4pm - 8pm on Thursday evening or on Friday morning (anytime from 8.30am). 

Gilets, t-shirts and lanyards: These will all be ready for you when you arrive. If you have a Berghaus gilet or a t-shirt from last year please can we ask that you wear it again this year (unless it really is at the end of its life!). We have a fresh supply from Berghaus, which should be enough for new volunteers and those without t-shirts. They have provided white t-shirts this year. Very nice and smart - but a totally impractical colour! Ho hum.

The Volunteer Information Handbook can be downloaded HERE (opens via google drive). Updated for 2023, this document should have the answers to most of your questions. Plus lots of useful and essential information about the festival, volunteering, tasks, roles and other top tips. Please take some time to read and digest this.

For those of you who have kindly offered to help on Monday - Wednesday of the festival week and the Monday - Tuesday after the festival, you will have been contacted directly by email and facebook.

Who's Who 2023 - Handy summary of key faces you might see around the place including the venue superviors. Can be found HERE.

Volunteers information evening - the presentation slides from Tuesday can be found HERE. A recording of the evening can also be found on youtube HERE. Apologies for the technial issues at the beginning and the slightly quiet sound! It is a fairly long video, but roughly broken down as follows if you want to tackle it in bitesize chunks (this is not mandatory by the way, all the key stuff is covered in the handbook):

0min - 6min - Team Intros6min - 19min - Festival Highlights from the Directors19min - 56min - Updates and highlights from each team lead 56min - 1hr11min - BAC H&S and Front of House overview1hr11min - 1hr23min - Volunteering final update

A quick note on shift hours and 'back to back' shifts. The shift hours in the rota are designed around the festival programme and session start/finish times. It ensures we have adequate cover for when we know there will be peaks of visitor flow over the festival period. That said, there will be quieter times during your shift where you can take a break and relax (and enjoy the festival). The supervisor team will coordinate breaks with you and your fellow volunteers at the start of your shift.

If you are on an evening shift followed by a morning shift, the venue supervisor will be aware and (if staffing levels allow) will do all they can to try and give you the option to get away at an earlier time on your evening shift (i.e. once the peak visitor flow before the final session is underway) if this is your preference. Any concerns, see the "Concerns" section above.

Facebook group - if you have not yet, please join the Facebook group. If you think you have, but you have not had your request approved yet, this may be because your facebook name is different to that which you have applied to us with - if this is the case please email kendalmountainvolunteers@gmail.com.

The Facebook group is where most of the various last minute updates will be posted (but if you are not on facebook do not worry, just email or speak to us over the weekend.) It’s also a good place to post and answer questions. We absolutely encourage you to post any questions that you think would be useful for others to know the answers to.

Thanks all! Tom, Chris and John

© Kendal Mountain Festival 2024